AT (Lawrenceville, GA) over 12 years ago
How quick is the review after submission to a project is sent?Eric (Staff) over 12 years ago
@AL - Every project is different unfortunately. If the project allows us to post publicly, then information and updates will show up on the blog. If not, then you won't know until you get an email letting you know the project closed. Just as we send all talent emails when they are submitted (and usually an Availability Request email), we also email all talent that were submitted for a project when the project closes and talent are booked. I wish we could be more specific about every project but confidentiality agreements often dictate what we can release about a casting.AT (Lawrenceville, GA) over 12 years ago
Great info Chef. Last time though when a project had closed I didn't get an email, & I was submitted to that. However, I understand it better now. Thank you so much, really appreciate it.Ps (Atlanta, GA) over 12 years ago
Hi, Ive had my talent soup for a while now, and I haven't gotten submitted for absolutely ANYTHING! and also, I received an email from talent soup saying that I should receive an email saying that my account is ready to start being submitted into projects, but I never got that email.. so is my account like, not activated? PLEASE HELP!!!Eric (Staff) over 12 years ago
@PS - According to the log, your account was added 6 days ago but without any images. Now that you've loaded photos, you should have gotten the Approved email and your account is activated. Without photos, our system would not submit you. Also, realize that, while the Atlanta market is very busy for us, you may not match every project that's active. If you don't fit the client criteria, then of course you won't be served to that project for consideration.AT (Lawrenceville, GA) over 12 years ago
Any one has any info about Project #707 yet? Just wondering if they have went through the selection yet & have chosen talents for it.Eric (Staff) over 12 years ago
@AT - No selects yet. Watch the blog for status updates.AT (Lawrenceville, GA) about 12 years ago
Chef,Eric (Staff) about 12 years ago
@AT - Glad you like the new design elements...we've got more coming!Eric (Staff) almost 12 years ago
@EM - Thanks for the feedback! We are working hard to change our industry for the better and truly appreciate you noticing we ARE different!Sign up and add your voice to the discussion.