Forums / Feature Requests / Multiple Cities

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LM (Atlanta, GA)  over 12 years ago

This goes along with the previous thread about travel. I'm available to work in multiple states at my own expense and travel often for bookings. I've traveled for work throughout the southeast and even up to Chicago from Atlanta recently. My agent lists me for jobs in Georgia, the Carolinas, Tennessee, and Florida. Plus, Chicago, New York, Las Vegas, and Dallas. Is there any way we can list areas other than our home city that we're available to work in at our own expense?

Eric (Staff)  over 12 years ago

@LM - Put simply, if a project has a travel budget, then we submit all talent (nationally) to the project.
Typically, projects that are shooting in bigger cities don't have the need to go outside the available talent pool. If a project is shooting in a smaller city without much talent to choose from, or if the project demands a very specific look or demographic, then we'll move the search radius out as needed.

We don't provide for Talent to list themselves in multiple cities because we've found (after 6 years of trial and error) that if the talent have to pay their own travels costs, they are much, much less motivated to do so. This level of rejection multiplies the level of work for us and the level of frustration for the clients. So we don't offer multi-city listings anymore.

That said, all talent are welcome to change their Contact city/state at any time to get picked up in a different city's projects. If a project is announced on the blog, talent are welcome to have themselves submitted by changing their city and state. The risk is that you may miss out on local projects that go unannounced. I hope this answers the question!

LM (Atlanta, GA)  over 12 years ago

Still it appears that some talent are willing to pay the costs to travel. For myself, I automatically have to travel to Tennessee, North Carolina, and South Carolina often so when I know I'll be going, I look for work there or announce my availability. Most of the time if I'm booked to travel it is because despite the talent pool locally they still feel I'm a better fit for the project. With the option to state your availability, people could just say no if they didn't care to travel at that time. I don't want to change my home city since a large number of castings are here, but I don't care to be limited either when I'm already willing to and booking geographically throughout.

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