Age: 58 • Height: 6'-0"• Weight: 200 lbs.
- Music Store Massacre Grady chapter 11 films
- Southern Iron Jimbo Rude Jester Productions
- Field Of Lost Shoes Slave Seller Sean McNamara
- Hunters Derrick Adam Ahlbrandt
- Blood Trail Old man Irina prokhorenko
- Good Deeds Homeless man Tyler Perry
- The watermen Jenkins Hogge 7 cities media
- This side Of the fence Daryl Nilescat films
- The gritters Bone Dog Nina Voltaire
- The Cemetary Thadius baldrim Adam Ahlbrandt
- The Taking The Father Bapartists
- Witness Insecurity Criminal 1 Heather Hale
*Mysteries in America Ghost M2 studio's
* American Haunting Jim New Dominion Productions
* Fbi files,Criminal Pursuit fishermen Discovery
- Toast at Carnigie hall" Singer" 2003
- Toast at United Nations "Singer"2003
- U.S and australia Tour "fat sam" 2006