Age: 20 • Height: 4'-9"• Weight: 80 lbs.
Acting Training
- On Camera Workshop, Denise Simon, NYC acting coach, Backstage Consultant, 2015
- Musical Theater Workshop, Denise Simon, NYC acting coach, Backstage Consultant, 2015
- Commercial Acting Workshop, Mason Manna and Lindsay Bennett, 2015
- Broadway Basics Acting Workshop, Chapman Cultural Center, Summer 2014
- Thursday Afternoon Acting Group (TAAG), USC Upstate, 2010-2013
- University of South Carolina Upstate Summer Acting Workshop, USC Upstate, Rich Robinson, 2010-2013
####Internet and Web
- Spartanburg Youth Theater Spring Classes Promo, 2016
- 'Twas the Night Before Christmas Promo, 2015
- Palmetto Twist, Model, 2015
- Peekaboo Couture, Model, 2014
- SYT Promo Brochure, Chapman Cultural, 2016
- Spartanburg Christian Academy Promotional Video Advertisement, 2011
- Downtown Fashion Jam, Runway Model, 2015
- Runway Modeling Workshop, Clarka Wickliffe, 2015
- T3 Winter Fashion Show, Runway Model, 2014
- Peekaboo Couture Fall Fashion Show, Runway Model, 2014
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Goldilocks, 2009, Covenant K5 performance
- How Does Your Garden Grow, Scarecrow, 2010, SCA Drama
- A Tree with Arms, Liz, 2010, TAAG
- Charlotte’s Web, 2011, Baby spider, Gosling, Judge, USC Upstate
- Amy’s Attic, 2012, Amy, USC Upstate
- Clarissa’s Closet, Merry man, Pirate, 2012, , TAAG
- Totally Red, 2013, Granny, TAAG
Musical Theater
- Wizard of Oz, Broadway workshop, singing, dancing and acting, Chapman Cultural, 2015
- Alice in Wonderland, Broadway workshop, Narrator, Cheshire Cat, Chapman Cultural, 2014
Voice and Musical Training and Performance
- Voice lessons, Dave Brooks, DB Artist Development, Nashville, TN, 2015-present
- Voice lessons, Lindsay Bennett, T3 Talent, Spartanburg, SC 2014-present
- Guitar lessons, Tad Taylor, Roper Music, 2015-present
- Winter Showcase T3, solo vocalist, 2014 and 2015
- Dickens of a Christmas, solo vocalist, 2015
- Spring Fling, solo vocalist, 2015
- Voice and keyboard lessons, Sydney McMath, Boulevard Music, 2010- 2013.
- Vocal and keyboard showcase performances, The Showroom at Hub-Bub Spartanburg, 2012, 2013
Dance, Gymnastics and Sports Training
*Upward Basketball team, 2014-2015
* Jump Rope Team, SCA, 2012-present
* Girls on the Run, Running Club, SCA 2013
* Hip Hop dance lessons and performance at Emmanuel Arts, 2012
* Gymnastics lessons, Spartanburg Gymnastics 2009-2011
* Soccer team, AYSO, Carolina FC
Student at Spartanburg Christian Academy, Spartanburg South Carolina