Soft Drink Promo Grandpa HWR Classic Productions
Starrkeisha’s Christmas Carols Husband RandomStructure TV
Lil DuWop Detective Nicholas L. Minter/ Ida Media
Tracy Turner Father Dir. Patrick Davis/ Two by Two
Regular at the Barrel Stew Dir. John Fleischmann/Blackflight Studios
Strife Doctor Protis Dir. Thiree Pinnock/Phoenix 4 Productions
Bastards Featured Lawrence Sher/Ali Bell
CDC Web, Brochures, Posters August 2018
Synovus Bank Wall Street Journal August, 2014
Patrick Molnar Photography Photographers Portfolio December, 2014
Delta/Minnesota Twins Delta/Twins Website April, 2015
Windsor Jewelry Stores Augusta, Ga. Commercial Ja. 2016
Insight Actors Studio Meisner Beth Becca
Southeast Actors Acting Technique, Text Analysis, On Camera Jim Dougherty Classroom and Private Coaching, Stunt
Scene and Monologue Study Jennifer Riker
Teleprompter Della Cole
Practical Aesthetics Acting Technique, Text Analysis, On Camera Sherrie Peterson Classroom and private coaching
Completed Ron Fellows 2 day performance Driving School March, 2016
Special Skills: Horse owner/breeder and rider, firearms, voiceovers, speed driver (Corvette owner/enthusiast). Amateur golfer, photographer, adventurer.