Age: 25 • Height: 5'-2"• Weight: 125 lbs.
Acting Training
- On Camera Workshop, 2015, Denise Simon, NYC acting coach, Backstage Consultant
- USC Upstate Acting Workshops, 2010-13, USC Upstate
- Spartanburg Christian Academy, 2014-present, daily news anchor
- "Rapunzel," 2015, role of Charlene, Spartanburg Youth Theater, Lauren Ferebee
- "Lisa & David," 2013, role of Lisa, USC Upstate, Rich Robinson
- "Clarissa's Closet," 2012, role of Clarissa, TAAG Theater Group
- "Two Dumb Dogs," 2012, role of Mimi, USC Upstate, Rich Robinson
- "Three Bully Goats Griff," 2012, role of Willy, TAAG Theater Group
- "Rumplestiltskin," 2011, role of Patience, TAAG Theater Group
- "Charlotte's Web," 2011 role of Charlotte, USC Upstate, Rich Robinson
- "A Tree With Arms," 2010, role of Ruthie, TAAG Theater Group
- "Stuart Little," 2010, role of Narrator, USC Upstate, Rich Robinson
Musical Theater
- Broadway Bootcamp Acting Workshop, 2015, Chapman Cultural Center
- "Wicked" Summer Workshop, 2014, Chapman Cultural Center
- "Winnie the Pooh," 2010, role of Owl, USC Upstate
- Spartanburg Christian Academy Chorus, 2012-2014, alto singer
- The Showroom, 2010-2012, keyboard performance, Sydney McMath
Other Training
- Script writing workshop, 2013, USC Upstate
- Student media
- Student government Vice President, 2015
- Student Government Treasurer, 2014
- Student Leadership Institute Membership 2013-present
Athletic experience
Soccer team, Tennis team, dance, gymnastics and karate lessons as a child